How to Write a Funeral Resolution: Tips + Examples

Kate Wight, BA in English


Kate Wight, BA in English

Read this guide for tips on writing a funeral resolution and five free examples for inspiration.

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You probably already know what to expect at a funeral —someone gives a short eulogy . Music is often played, and someone may do a reading. Prayers might also be included in the service. But have you ever heard a funeral resolution?

A funeral resolution is a document that’s read aloud at a funeral. It’s a formal declaration of the relationship between the deceased and their church or community organization. It honors the good works and/or spiritual commitments of the deceased.

Here’s how to write one if you’ve never done it before. For more help with the unfamiliar tasks you might be undertaking for the first time after losing a loved one, check out our post-loss checklist.

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What is a Funeral Resolution?

A funeral resolution is a formal declaration stating the relationship between the deceased and their church or community organization that is often read at the funeral service. The resolution honors the good works and spiritual commitments of the deceased. The organization typically files away a copy of the documents, and one is given to the deceased’s family.

Reading a funeral resolution shows respect to the deceased and is meant as a tribute. Both religious and secular organizations may honor the dead with a resolution. Below, you'll find examples that honor a church member, a community member, a parent, and a child.

Typical Outline of a Funeral Resolution

Here’s the typical order of a funeral resolution. No matter who you're writing the resolution for, it should follow this order.

Heading or title

The title should be one line centered at the top of the page. It should contain the name of the deceased—for example, Resolution in Loving Memory of Dottie North.


The introduction is a single line acknowledging the deceased’s contributions to the organization. Resolutions done for churches sometimes call this section the “Introduction of Faith.”

Whereas statements

Every resolution contains several “whereas” statements. Each statement is preceded by the word “whereas” and then includes information about the deceased. Typically, these statements of facts relate to the deceased person and their relationship to the church or organization.

The whereas statements typically are written in a specific order.

The first whereas statement typically deals with the general loss to the church or organization. The following statement informs the reader about the deceased’s notable interests in the organization or church. Then, one or more statements dive into the deceased’s interests outside the church or organization. The final statement lists the positive attributes of the deceased and includes their full name.

Therefore or be it resolved statements

Resolutions are sometimes referred to as “therefore statements.” The church or organization will outline the members’ commitment to honor the deceased in this section. This could include the dedication of a portrait or the establishment of a scholarship.

Proclamation or Closing

This final section, also known as the acknowledgment, offers condolences to the family. It’s typically signed by officers of the church or another issuing organization.

Once you’ve concluded writing the funeral resolution, submit it to the church or organization. You should also give a copy to the family of the deceased.

Funeral Resolution Examples

Pastoral funeral resolution example

You might find it easier to write a funeral resolution by looking at examples. Here are some examples of resolutions that churches or other organizations might write. Again, this format may vary depending on who presents it. When in doubt, consult the organization about its preferred formatting.

Pro tip: If you choose to have a virtual funeral using a service like GatheringUs , you can still share the funeral resolution with your online guests. Coordinate with your planning team and ensure you have the correct mics and speakers to accommodate everyone.

Pastoral funeral resolution

Resolution in Loving Memory of Dr. Theodore Green

We, the Pastor and Officers of Trinity Lutheran Church, pay our respects to dedicated parishioner Dr. Theodore Green.

Whereas, Theodore was integral in contributing to the spiritual and physical wellness of his fellow parishioners, and,

Whereas, Theodore was a faithful attendee of the church, and,

Whereas, Theodore served his fellow parishioners and the community at large by volunteering his services at a free clinic, and,

Whereas, Theodore was a gifted and engaging storyteller, and,

Whereas, Theodore treated his responsibility as a healer with the utmost respect,

Therefore, be it resolved that the Trinity Lutheran Church will encourage parishioners to visit people in hospice care in need of companionship in honor of Dr. Theodore Green, and

Be it further resolved that the Trinity Lutheran Church will continue Dr. Theodore Green’s great works.

Trinity Lutheran Church of Denver offers its sincerest condolences to the family of Dr. Theodore Green and shares a Bible verse in his honor : “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27
Humbly submitted by the Pastor and Officers of Trinity Lutheran Church.

Informal funeral resolution

Resolution in Loving Memory of Josie Radcliffe

We, the members of the Palm Street Library, lost a valued member upon the death of our head librarian, Josie Radcliffe.

Whereas, Josie was beloved by library patrons of all ages, and,

Whereas, Josie established guidelines for promoting diversity and inclusivity in reading programs, and,

Whereas, Josie volunteered her time outside of the library and provided free literacy classes to adults in need, and,

Whereas, Josie used her love of reading as inspiration to write her own short stories, and,

Whereas, Josie Radcliffe was committed to the principles of social justice,

Therefore, be it resolved that the Palm Street Library will designate our reading room as the Josie Radcliffe Memorial Room, and

Be it further resolved that the Palm Street Library will appoint a diversity coordinator to continue Josie’s efforts.

The Palm Street Library of Monterey offers its condolences to the family of Josie Radcliffe and shares a favorite quote of hers from Toni Morrison: “If there is a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, you must be the one to write it.”

Respectfully submitted by the staff of the Palm Street Library.

Funeral resolution for a mother

Resolution in Loving Memory of Robin Jarvis

We, the members of Foothills Unitarian Church, pay our respects to our sister in faith, Robin Jarvis.
Whereas Robin was integral in uplifting the congregation of the church.

Whereas, Robin was a tireless leader in group Bible study, and,

Whereas, Robin served the community outside the church by serving food to the homeless and collecting school supplies for children in foster care, and,

Whereas, Robin committed to creating more beauty in the world through her painting and piano-playing talents, and,

Whereas Robin Jarvis was a kind, compassionate, and loving human being,

Therefore, be it resolved that the Foothills Unitarian Church will light our chalice in Robin’s memory, and

Be it further resolved that the Foothills Unitarian Church will continue Robin’s great works.

The Foothills Unitarian Church of Tucson offers its sincerest condolences to the family of Robin Jarvis and shares a verse from her favorite poem: “Hope is the thing with feathers/That perches in the soul/And sings the tune without the words/And never stops at all.”

Humbly submitted by the officers of Foothills Unitarian Church of Tucson.

Funeral resolution for a father

Resolution in Remembrance of Dennis Aston

We, the members of American Baptist Church, pay our respects to our devoted parishioner, Dennis Aston.

Whereas, Dennis was the heart of our church community, and,

Whereas, Dennis was integral in establishing the worship music program in the church, and,

Whereas, Dennis shared his music with the community at large by providing low-cost lessons to families in need, and,

Whereas, Dennis Aston was a generous and talented individual,

Therefore, be it resolved that the American Baptist Church will establish a music scholarship in Dennis’ name, and

Be it further resolved that the American Baptist Church will preserve and build on the worship music program that Dennis created.

The American Baptist Church offers its sincerest condolences to the family of Dennis Aston and dedicates this Bible verse for a dad : “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” Matthew 5:4

Humbly submitted by the officers of the American Baptist Church of Fort Worth.

Funeral resolution for a child

Resolution in Remembrance of Chloe Irwin

We, the staff of Bennett Episcopal School, pay our respects to our gifted student, Chloe Irwin.

Whereas, Chloe was well-loved by her teachers and peers, and,

Whereas, Chloe was an unparalleled leader in the school, and,

Whereas, Chloe was a loving sister and daughter and a friend to anyone in need of a friend, and,

Whereas, Chloe was a well-rounded athlete who excelled in basketball, tennis, and long-distance running, and,

Whereas, Chloe Irwin demonstrated brilliance and compassion beyond her years,

Therefore, be it resolved that Bennett Episcopal School will establish a scholarship in Chloe Irwin’s name, and

Be it further resolved that the Bennett Episcopal School will dedicate a bench to Chloe Irwin in the Bennett Episcopal School student garden.

Bennett Episcopal School offers its heartfelt condolences to the family of Chloe Irwin and shares a verse from her favorite song: “When the sharpest words wanna cut me down/I’m gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out/This is brave, this is proof/This is who I’m meant to be, this is me.”

Respectfully submitted by the staff of Bennett Episcopal School.

More Tips for Writing a Funeral Resolution

A well-written funeral resolution takes effort but shows tremendous respect for the deceased, a gesture any family member can appreciate .

Here are some quick tips for writing a thoughtful, heartfelt resolution.

Contact the church or organization for help

Churches and organizations may have slightly different resolution templates. If you are writing on behalf of an organization, ask for a template or example.

Interview people to gather information

If you’re writing a resolution on behalf of a church organization, contact the designated spokesperson for the family. This will allow you to add personal details about the deceased you may not know.

Give yourself time to write and edit the funeral resolution

It is an honor to be tasked with writing a funeral resolution. Make sure to give yourself plenty of time to learn as much as you can about the person, write the text, and have several eyes review the document before you read it at the service and give it to the deceased’s family.

Creating a Meaningful Funeral Resolution

When a person loses a loved one, they often appreciate it when those who knew the deceased share positive stories about their character. A well-written funeral resolution takes effort, but it's a beautiful way to support those in mourning and show respect for the deceased.

  1. “Suggestions for a Memorial Resolution.” , American Library Association, 16 May 2013,