Children's Nursing Personal Statement Example

Nursing is a very challenging and demanding career that can also be both rewarding and interesting; and has been my passion since I was a child. However, in the last few years I have wanted a career in nursing that involves caring for sick young children.

Having worked with children since I was very young, this has strengthened my ambition to work in a career that enables me to help and care for people, who may be in the same position I was in. When I was about 9 years old I contracted e-coli and HUS poisoning and I was in intensive care in hospital for two weeks.

This started my ambition to work in the NHS and to care for sick people as the nurses were truly inspirational. I fully recovered due to the help of the hospital and it has inspired me to do the same for other sick children who may be in the same situation.

At school I have two students in my form class that both have difficulties that makes them unable to function like their age group. During form time, I help them with any problems that they may be facing such as schoolwork or personnel problems and this gives me insight on how difficult it is to fit in to a normal environment.

I organised my work experience so I could volunteer at my local hospital with WRVS selling food and beverages to both patients and family.

This is invaluable experience for my interpersonal skills as it involves talking to people I have never met. By volunteering at the hospital I have gained an insight of a hospital setting and how the nurses in that hospital actually help and care for their patients.

Another piece of work experience of that I have undertaken is at a local charity shop called Sue Ryder. From this experience I learnt how interact with customers and deal with complaints which is a huge responsibility. This experience showed me the importance of communication between customer and businesses which is a key aspect of this profession.

I am currently a young Sunday school leader at my local church that is invaluable as it allows me to interact with young people. From this experience I gained confidence as I often work with children in groups to help them and this has helped me to be more aware of the caring profession and how broad the profession is.

It has also helped to be more motivated to have a career within the health sector to help a variety of people in a variety of settings.

In my three A levels that I am studying which are Applied Science, ICT and Geography I have gained a variety of skills that would help me throughout the years of a nursing degree. During applied science I gained analytical skills and understanding of human biology which would help me.

In addition, geography has enabled me to do extra reading in areas to have a better understanding. For my of my courses I collect independent study research, that can be used to write essays and projects using problem solving techniques that would help greatly for this type of course.

This has enabled me to meet deadlines and also improved my time management that are very important throughout these sorts of courses to gain a good grade.

I enjoy drawing and do so every week. To be at a certain level it requires dedication to the subject. I enjoy the work and effort I put into my work which I can set goals so that I can continue to learn and achieve, and to continue improving in this hobby. Undertaking a nursing career would be similar and this sort of profession needs a high level of dedication.

Earlier this year I went on holiday to Malta, which fascinated me as the war hospital that was used for soldiers and how dedicated these nurses were in dangerous situations and how they carried out the daily tasks even though they were in a war zone.

I am deeply passionate about children’s nursing and I am already looking forward to a fulfilled career in this field.

Profile info

This personal statement was written by mscoldchaser for application in 2012.

mscoldchaser's university choices
Coventry University
Keele University

Green : offer made
Red : no offer made

mscoldchaser's Comments

I have used comments that people have written and hopefully have improved. Comments welcome!


This personal statement is unrated

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Child nursing is a very challenging and demanding career, however the rewards would be amazing and I am ready to embark on this career. Nursing has always been a desire of mine. Ever since a young girl, when being asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, my response was to be a children’s nurse and to help others. The devotion and.

There has been many occasions during my life that I have spent hours sitting at a hospital bedside. My mother battled a long term illness and as I sat with her trying to keep her spirits up, the Nurses who cared for her always drew my admiration. I feel there are a handful of truly inspirational professions and Nursing is without doubt one of.

Nursing is a very challenging and demanding career that can also be both rewarding and interesting; and has been my passion since I was a child. However, in the last few years I have wanted a career in nursing that involves caring for sick young children. Having worked with children since I was very young, this has strengthened my ambition to.

I would like to study nursing because I feel it will lead me directly to one of the most emotionally fulfilling careers available, as well as giving me the chance combine helping people's mental well being with their physical health. It would give me the opportunity to study something that involves both academic and practical study, which I feel.

My desire to take a course in adult nursing was established after my first work placement at a nursing home where I later acquired a paid job as a domestic care assistant. During my time at the nursing home, I enjoyed talking to and caring for residents and developing relationships with them and this is something that really attracts me to.

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to describe my personal motivations for joining the nursing workforce. From the time I graduated high school until about a year ago, I had my sights set on becoming a researcher in neurosciences. I chose ___ for my undergrad because it is one of the few universities within a 200 mile radius to offer.